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[CKA] KodeKloud - Secrets 안녕하세요, 쯀리입니다.오늘은 k8s에서 Secret에 대해 알아보겠습니다.  https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/distribute-credentials-secure/ Distribute Credentials Securely Using SecretsThis page shows how to securely inject sensitive data, such as passwords and encryption keys, into Pods. Before you begin You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to comm.. 2024. 7. 4.
[CKA] KodeKloud - Env Variables 안녕하세요, 쯀리입니다.오늘은 Pods에서 해당 container관련 환경 변수를 설정하는 방법에 관해 알아보도록 하겠습니다. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-environment-variable-container/ Define Environment Variables for a ContainerThis page shows how to define environment variables for a container in a Kubernetes Pod. Before you begin You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be .. 2024. 7. 2.
[CKA] KodeKloud - Commands and Arguments 안녕하세요, 쯀리입니다.오늘은  Commands and Arguments에 관해 알아보도록 하겠습니다. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-command-argument-container/ Define a Command and Arguments for a ContainerThis page shows how to define commands and arguments when you run a container in a Pod. Before you begin You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to co.. 2024. 7. 2.
[CKA] KodeKloud - Rolling Updates and Rollbacks 안녕하세요, 쯀리입니다.오늘은 Application Lifecycle에서 Rolling Updates and Rollbacks에 관해 알아보는 시간을 가져보겠습니다.Kubernetes에서 Rolling Update를 빼먹을순 없죠. 핵심 개념에 대해 알아보겠습니다. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/update-intro/ Performing a Rolling UpdatePerform a rolling update using kubectl.kubernetes.io     Rolling Updates and Rollbacks Rolling Updates (무중단 배)Rolling Updates는 애플리케이션의 새로운 버전을 점진적.. 2024. 7. 1.
[CKA] KodeKloud - Managing Application Logs 안녕하세요, 쯀리입니다.오늘은 Application logs를 Managing하는 방법을 알아보겠습니다.  https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/generated/kubectl_logs/ kubectl logsProduction-Grade Container Orchestrationkubernetes.io  Quiz.1. We have deployed a POD hosting an application. Inspect it. Wait for it to start.controlplane ~ ➜ k get podsNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEwebapp-1 1/1 Running 0 24s.. 2024. 6. 25.
[CKA] KodeKloud - Monitor Cluster Components 안녕하세요, 쯀리입니다.오늘은 Monitor Cluster Components에 관해 알아보겠습니다. https://github.com/kodekloudhub/kubernetes-metrics-server GitHub - kodekloudhub/kubernetes-metrics-server: Development environment deployment of metrics-serverDevelopment environment deployment of metrics-server - kodekloudhub/kubernetes-metrics-servergithub.com Quiz.1. We have deployed a few PODs running workloads. Inspect them.Wait for t.. 2024. 6. 23.
[CKA] KodeKloud - Multiple Schedulers 안녕하세요, 쯀리입니다.오늘은 Multiple Schedulers에 관해 알아볼게요 https://kubernetes.io/ko/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/configure-multiple-schedulers/ 다중 스케줄러 설정쿠버네티스는 여기에서 설명한 스케줄러를 기본 스케줄러로 사용한다. 만일 기본 스케줄러가 사용자의 필요를 만족시키지 못한다면 직접 스케줄러를 구현하여 사용할 수 있다. 이에 더해, 기본kubernetes.io  Quiz.1. What is the name of the POD that deploys the default kubernetes scheduler in this environment?controlplane ~ ➜ k get pods -A | gre.. 2024. 6. 23.
[CKA] KodeKloud - Static PODs 안녕하세요, 쯀리입니다.오늘은 특별한 유형의 Pod인 Static Pods에 관해 알아보겠습니다. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/static-pod/ Create static PodsStatic Pods are managed directly by the kubelet daemon on a specific node, without the API server observing them. Unlike Pods that are managed by the control plane (for example, a Deployment); instead, the kubelet watches each static Pod (and restarts it i.. 2024. 6. 23.
[CKA] KodeKloud - DaemonSets 안녕하세요, 쯀리입니다.오늘은 Daemon Sets에 관해 알아볼게요https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/daemonset/ DaemonSetA DaemonSet defines Pods that provide node-local facilities. These might be fundamental to the operation of your cluster, such as a networking helper tool, or be part of an add-on.kubernetes.io  Daemon Set이란?Daemon이란것을 들어보셨나요?사용자가 직접적으로 제어하지 않고, 백그라운드에서 돌면서 여러 작업을 하는 프로그램을 말합니다.htt.. 2024. 6. 9.